Laura Banks is an author, actor, and second-generation astrologer and intuitive. She uses an ephemeris and her natural talents as an empath to help people find true love. She worked as a reader at Universal Studios and as a columnist at Laura has appeared on ABC World News, The SyFy Channel , and the Los Angeles Times. Laura Banks is the star of stage and screen, a bestselling author and current host of Zodiac Magic ( produced by Radio America. ( Her talents as an astrologer shine bright while co-hosting with Doug Stephan. (www.Doug

She is also an actor and author. Her breakout role was in Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan. She went on to star in films for Roger Corman as well as having an illustrious career performing improv comedy and stand up from coast to coast and with Whoopi Goldberg.

She has written three books and one with Simon and Schuster. Her book, Breaking the Rules, sold over 250,000 copies and was represented by the William Morris Agency. She is working on her latest book about Star Trek and Hollywood to be released in 2022.

She worked as on air talent at Dick Clark's, United Stations Radio Network for over ten years and had her own TV series on the SyFy Channel where she interviewed Carl Sagan.

Laura has written for Talkers Magazine, the trade publication to the radio industry and was interviewed in the Electronic Retailer Magazine for her expertise in radio marketing. Expertise extended into managing licensing agreements, TV and radio infomercials, and product development. Her business partner of over 20 years was the renowned Dr. Alan H. Pressman. They worked extensively together on product development, sales and licensing agreements. She still partners with Purity Products.

Laura Banks Astrologer

I have built charts and counseled many using my deep knowledge of astrology. Work as an author lead me to a column at, work at Universal Studios as a reader and a show on the SyFy Channel. Work on Star Trek II lead to more film and television roles and authoring a few books. Love and relationships has been my focus for years, with my first book, Love Online, a podcast “Love Online Radio” and “Breaking the Rules, Last Ditch Tactics for Landing the Man of Your Dreams.”

I derive great pleasure in helping people know themselves and find true love. I look at the planets Venus and Mars, fifth and seventh house placements and where Jupiter lands in your chart for good luck and fortune.”

Media 2022

Full-feature celebrity interview on CNN Brazil - coming out this May, 2022.

- Interview in a book published by Paramount Pictures - for my role in Star Trek II (40th Anniversary for the film.) Paramount is reading and approving the book now about Star Trek II.

- Thirty Minute interview of William Shatner for my podcast, Your Hidden Power. Available now.

- Celebrity interview in new streaming documentary on ST II, coming out this year - Netflix. Title: "Best Geek Movies of 1982" .(Universal Publishers. Also interviewed Sean Young, Ron Howard and Kevin Smith.)

- Director's Cut of the film, STII, getting a national/theatrical release in September. Not that many of us left to tell the story, possible tour with movie release?