Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Life in Two Short Months.

How long does it take to release negative thought patterns and start to live the life of your dreams? About sixty days. That’s right. About two months.

But what is the easiest way to get there? Maybe you have tried daily gratitude writing in your journal and affirmations or Post-it notes on your bathroom mirror, screaming out to love yourself, find love or get rich.

After a while, you simply stop; you either forget to do it or stop believing that it’s possible to change your life.

If this sounds like you, you are in the right place. In about two months, just by listening to a program as you fall asleep, you can change your life.

When you change your deeply-rooted belief system with audio programming, actual people and circumstances change in your life! That’s because thoughts actually function like little soldiers that will go out and do your bidding by energetically attracting to you what you focus on. That’s right. It’s hard to believe but it is true; you can change the circumstance of your life by changing your mind about it! I did it myself!

Here is the good news. I can offer you a program that you can actually sleep though and still see the positive results. Fall asleep while listening to Soulmate Subliminal, and you will see a result or your money back. My first goal is to free your mind of the past and welcome in the future happiness. Then, as an astrologer, we look at your chart and create your long term goals, focusing on removing unknown emotional and mental blocks along the way.

You could start to see results and miracles in your life within the first few weeks of listening. Here’s a little education:

The subconscious mind is what is driving your day to day activities and results. Scientific study shows that over 90% of our thoughts and feelings are results of thoughts WE DON’T EVEN KNOW WE ARE THINKING. You must excavate and discard repeated negative thoughts and replace them with an army of new and powerful thought forms that will go out and create miracles in your life.

Unfortunately, through years of programming from hurtful experiences in life, and unintentionally re-living those moments over and over again, you define your future! The brain is a trickster and not to be trusted because for survival it over-focuses on the most damaging memories to keep you safe. Your brain thinks it is helping you, but it is not. Many studies show how the brain holds us back and makes us feel bad about ourselves.

Wow. My brain sucks…

You don’t even know you keep having those negative thoughts. you actually keep creating the same experience over and over. It’s like the film Groundhog Day; one day you simply must hit the off button on that alarm clock of life and have a restart!

Indeed, your brain and it’s PROGRAMMED thought patterns keep you alive. It’s how you remember to walk, feed yourself and turn on your favorite Netflix program. But here is the sucky part; it also keeps you from manifesting the career of your dreams because it has proof from your past that that never works out for you. Your brain would rather keep you stuck instead of risk feeling the hurt you felt the last time you tried that business and failed or got hurt in love.

You cannot expect new results by thinking the same thoughts over and over again. Most thoughts are fear based. Your brain functions like your parents old computer that keeps breaking down and freezing and they ask you for you help. You know you can’t help because it’s too complicated to explain or even know the mess of their operating system or hard drive. It’s time for a reboot. That is the only way out, a reset to fresh, to when there was nothing but limitless possibility.

Why Does It Take Time to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind?

As an astrologer, I can tell you that you chose that your date, time and place of birth creates the circumstance of your life. Then your inner and outer world were shaped by family of origin, peers, and intimate relationships. There are also enviromental hardships, like growing up in poverty, where you were programmed to believe that money was a hard thing to obtain.

And because deep down you believe money is hard to find, love is for other people and weight loss is nearly impossible, that will constantly be manifesting in your life. You will find ways to spend money you don’t have or never earn it, be attracted to people who could never love you, and eat cake until you pass out. This is all in a vein attempt on the brains part…to be right! And to keep you alive. But all it does is keep you stuck in a life you are desperately wanting out of.

Beliefs like the one mentioned, pop up in all areas of our lives, not just with money.

Find your SOULMATE by reprogramming your subconscious mind. The mind must be trained to think new thoughts. We don’t want our old thoughts. They need to be replaced on a deep subliminal level, so you can start to attract to you the love of your life. “Subliminal Love” is a new program I developed with Mark Masters, a trained hypnotist. You will begin to magnetize love toward you. You get the power to jumpstart your love life.

This is easy. Our program “Subliminal Love” took years to develop and now it is yours. This program is constructed with language, in a scientific way, to produce results.

Survival Strategies

Most of your day-to-day operating system is based on limited beliefs that hold you in a place or circumstance in your life, you would much rather be out of. But your limiting beliefs, fed by that trickster brain in almost an underground railroad device, will never let you live the life of your dreams. We must derail the gerbil-in-a-wheel limited beliefs to re-program every inch of you.

Obviously, there is much more I can teach you about how to change your life, but this is the easiest place to start. It’s like your computer that installs new features and even an operating system in the middle of the night, while you sleep. It’s easy, just order my two programs: Subliminal Love, and Subliminal Money. Listen to them in any order you like. What is most important? Is losing weight critical to your well being, first? Order here.

Here is an explanation of the programs and how to order. As an added bonus, I offer a booklet that comes along with each program, outlining fifty steps to take to increase your luck and success. (Website under construction. Announcement on programming and products coming soon! Please check back or leave your information with me at “Get a Reading”.)

Clearing Limiting beliefs for Fast Subconscious Reprogramming

1. Take Immediate Action

The first way to clear limiting beliefs is to take action in a direction opposite of your limiting belief. Immediately taking action in ways contrary to your limiting beliefs is the subconscious’ immediate trigger that the belief isn’t true anymore.

Many life coaches and writers will stress doing affirmations, visualizations and more. These are all great tools, but taking action will propel your brain into new realities faster.

Let’s say you are reprogramming your subconscious mind to start your own business. You can wait for the perfect moment and visualize as long as you like, but your brain may still have trouble believing that it is possible.

To combat this, focus on taking 1 action step each day towards your goal. Once you start moving towards your goal, that limiting belief is forced out!

2. Practice Self-Hypnosis

For those who are not familiar with this practice, it can seem to be a daunting or even weird tool. However, this simple technique is a way of directly speaking to your subconscious mind to clear unwanted beliefs.

Self Hypnosis is simply relaxing your body, and in that relaxed state speaking positive suggestions to your subconscious mind.

The reason why this method is so effective is the fact that you don’t have to rationalize with your thinking mind. There is no justifying to your conscious mind the reason or validity of your new intended belief.

Even with limited practice, profound gains can be made.

3. Speak and Act Your New Belief In the Present Moment

One of the best ways to BLAST past your limiting belief is to act as if your desire has already taken place. For instance, let’s say you are reprogramming your mind to believe that “money comes freely and effortlessly into your life.”

Instead of repeating this statement over and over, simply act out what the affirmation means in your life.

What would I DO if I truly believed that money flowed easily and effortlessly into my life?

How would I Feel if I believed this statement?

Your answer to the first question might be you would go shopping for a new car or wardrobe.

If that’s the case, go to the mall or car dealership and window shop for the items you want. Ask the clerk intelligent and detailed questions about what you wish to purchase.

As you attune your mind to the new belief in the present moment, you will begin to rewire your brain to create a permanent mindset change.

You will begin to reach your goals at an outstanding speed.

Be sure to also FEEL the emotions you would have if you truly believed that money flowed easily.

Imagine that directly in front of you is a large pile of $100 dollar bills totaling $1 million dollars (tax free).

Really try to visualize and feel the emotions that it generates. Focus on increasing the intensity of this feeling. Hold the feeling with you throughout the day, or when you are faced with a financial challenge.

When you run into a financial issue, remind yourself that you have a big stack of cash. Then take note on how fast your mind leaps from the low vibration of fear and worry, to the high vibration of happiness and gratitude.

When practiced consistently, you will demolish your limiting beliefs and accomplish your desires faster.

4. Gratitude

This is the big secret ingredient to clearing limiting beliefs.

Simply stated, you cannot hold negative feelings and gratitude in your mind at the same time.

To increase feelings of abundance, happiness, self-worth and more… simply practice gratitude.

A simple practice is to make a list of 5 things that you are grateful for. It can be as simple as the hot cup of stimulating coffee that you are drinking, or the your vehicle that reliably gets you from A to B.

When practicing the attitude of gratefulness, try to amplify the feeling. This can be done by giving thanks to a specific person directly, or showing gratitude to a higher power. Once your heart is full of gratitude, there is no room for limiting beliefs.

This is also an effective practice if you cannot clearly define the limiting beliefs that you have. Sometimes the limiting belief expresses itself as a feeling of tightness or heaviness in your chest. Recognize this and drench it with gratitude. This is a guaranteed way of chipping away those limiting beliefs and permanently reprogramming the subconscious mind.

5. Dive into the Limiting Belief

When you feel resistance to changing your beliefs, focus on the feeling and the physical area within your body where the resistance is located. By placing focused attention on this area, the resistance will slowly start to dissipate.

Programming the Mind Through Acceptance

Although this is not intuitive, we must first learn to accept our current experiences before we can move through them. When we take responsibility of our thoughts, beliefs and actions we inherently stop the struggle to change.

Struggling to change our beliefs only keeps them at the forefront of our minds.

To put acceptance into practice, try the following exercise when you find yourself resisting a thought or emotion.

Short Acceptance Meditation

  1. Simply watch your breath by feeling your stomach rise and fall

  2. Become aware of the thoughts you are resisting

  3. Notice where in your body you feel resistance. Many times it will be in the heart region.

  4. Gently place your hands over the affected area and say “I accept you”

  5. Repeat this phrase until the feeling begins to subside

When you begin to deal with your thoughts of resistance as they occur. You begin to fully process the feelings that have held you back from making permanent change.