Your Soulmate Magnet Program

Listen to this 30 minute audio program while you sleep to pull in your soulmate and also acheive:

  • More of a sense of calm.

  • Less of sense of loneliness and hopelessness.

  • Noticed I looked at a man’s crotch today. Haven’t done that in years.

  • No sense of urgency about needing to go onto an online dating app.

  • A sense of detachment for outcome in both the area of love and work, and more of an ability to just do what needs to be done without worrying about the outcome.

Okay, let’s say, this can work, that by re-programming my inner self, my inner mind, the thoughts you are always thinking, and you are thinking those same thoughts so often that you no longer even know you are thinking, can change my world. Check. Wouldn’t it make sense that by addressing core hidden beliefs, even hidden from you, that your outside world would change, too? I think so. I think we are simply radio signals, our bodies, sending a message out to the world.

Testimonial: “I've been listening to the Soul Magnet program for 25 days now.   It has helped with my anxiety and PTSD symptoms.   The program's assurances of having my own place of calm, despite whatever external emotional trauma I may have been experiencing, have helped me build a sense of resilience and peace.

The visual imagery used in the audio program has allowed me to access some reassuring real life experiences I've had throughout my life which had previously been locked away in my subconscious, and which I can now call upon to bring a sense of protection.

The audio program has also allowed me to build on the imagery it describes by helping to reawaken some of own favorite memories and bring them to the forefront in my mind.

The feeling of being safe and happy which the program emphasizes has resulted in less negative thoughts on my part, and more of a sense of well-being.

I have built many new relationships while listening to the program and have received social invitations, compliments, and gifts that have not been part of my life before now.   I do sense that people, and even animals, are more attracted to me and share their love and good will with me.   Even as I'm writing this, my cats left their perch in the sun to sit by me, something which they didn't do before the audio program.” - Donna, Kansas City, KS

“I am much nicer and closer to my husband. It has saved our marriage.” Wendy - Cleveland, OHIO

“I am listening for first week and out of the blue my secret crush is giving me more attention than before and being nicer to me. How does this work? Am I sending out a different signal?” - Martha, White Plains, NY

How we think on the inside is reflected in our body posture, voice tone, choice of words, and sense of self and happiness. If I am a glum poopy-pants over the last boyfriend or over-focused on all the cruddy things that have happened to me (which I have been doing) how could I ever be ready for the next relationship. So maybe this is changing some core self-belief I have about myself. Either way, for tonight, I am not stopping listening to this program. No way. It’s better than an edible of any kind for mood enhancement. I was considering an anti-depressant, but I am holding off for now.

I found this on Quora:

Can subliminally attract love?

A subliminal affirmation is not magic, it is simply a tool for communicating with and changing your own subconscious, see: Positive Affirmations. As such the only way that a subliminal message can attract your crush is by altering your underlying traits, habits, and personality to make this outcome more likely.

I have started to listen to a Soulmate Magnet Meditation

I am lonely. I’d really like to find someone. It’s gotten so bad that I think my pillow is my boyfriend. That is not right. I should not be kissing my pillow at night. Now I am doing something about it and I am going to log my entire experience.

I have started to listen to a 15 min audio program before I fall asleep and in three days I already feel better, more self-accepting and ready for love to come in. The facts are in - your subliminal or unconscious mind makes more of your decisions, not your awake mind. I need to re-program my thinking and start to feel love toward myself and others and love will follow. I like the way the Soulmate Magnet tape has me imagining a pink light all around me and saying hello to my other half in a magical room of my own creation.

I am looking for 10 people to volunteer to listen to this program and to share your results. I am also writing the companion journal to use as you listen. In 21 to 67 days you will manifest love. It’s the theory behind changing your thoughts around a subject for a consecutive number of minutes and it shifts energy around you and energy of others and who and what comes into your world. Please email me at The first ten participants will receive this program FREE. After that, when it launches it will be $39.95